Right time to start using an Amazon Repricing Software?
What is the correct time to start using Amazon Pricing Software ?
If you read AmazeRepricer religiously, you must be aware that most Amazon merchants like using our amazon repricing software and that our software is one amongst the top software. Though most Amazon seller like to use our software, there are many who don’t use our software yet. If you are someone who does not use an Amazon Pricing Software, keep on reading to know when one must start using such software.
Consider the size of your inventory
First let’s talk about the most important factor, your inventory. Keep the number of times you need to stock your inventory. For easy understanding, we are dividing the sellers into two groups.
Seller selling less than 100 times
Seller selling more than 100 times.
If you are counting the number of times you stock your inventory, there are some other factors as well which affect your decision of using Amazon Repricing Software. But for now, let’s concentrate solely this figures as it quite a reasonable number to divide sellers into two different groups. Having few items in the inventory means less work as it will need you to do less work such as writing product descriptions, uploading individual images, developing a new pricing strategy and much more.
Sales Volume: another important factor to consider
A successful online business means constantly selling and restocking the inventory. So if your business is running smoothly, you would want to have a system that will manage your inventory automatically thus making time for you to manage the other aspects of your business. Though ‘automatic’ does not mean that you will have to do no work at all, it will surely cut out the cost of hiring another person for managing your work which you can easily do.
If you make any kind of investment, it takes time to notice positive results. Same goes for this one as well and so we suggest to take at least months as it is a huge time span.
- Understand the repricing software you are currently using and do not switch to some other software.
- Depending upon the category of the product you sell, keep a check on the upticks and downswings in the current sales.
- Change your pricing strategy accordingly to be enable to set them on autopilot as much as possible.
Third factor is the budget you are working with
If you just starting with selling items online, your sale is probably not constant. Which means you need to wait for the sale to increase to be able to get at least the return same as your investment. Thus your budget for a repricer is not high. Whereas if you are a seller who receives a high amount of sale, your repricer budget must be high. This is similar to someone having few items but they are relatively pricey. Whatever your reason may be, have a careful look at your income, earnings and operating cost both for short and long-term.
Fourth factor is time you have been operating as seller
Though this factor is closely related to the previous one, it differs in one way which is your openness to change. If you are operating as a merchant for a long period of time now, ch chances are that you have most probably adapted yourself to the same process. To teach a child is easy but to teach an adult is comparatively hard as they become more accustomed to a pattern. The same goes for a merchant who is operating in the market for some time now.
The earlier a merchant starts using Amazon Repricing Software, the more it becomes it becomes for him to incorporate it into his daily sales. If you start using the software earlier, there’s nothing to lose but gain. Moreover, Amazon Repricing Software comes with a 15 days trial which allows you enough time to see how this software works.
Finding a repricer that does wonder is not an easy task and AmazeRepricer is different from others on the market as it provides different styles and approaches. Additionally, it’s easily customisable to suit your own pricing rule and it is automatic as well. Like mentioned previously, start with the 15 days free trial when you sign up.